About whatif

Whatif is an attempt at a consistent approach to tackling the climate crisis, social justice and the preservation of biodiversity and human dignity.

Whatif has no political, moral, missionary or commercial aspirations. On the one hand, it presents a realistic picture of the current and real situations by means of well-founded information, but on the other hand, it also gives space to ideas, forms and visions by means of sometimes fundamentally unconventional thoughts in order to reflect on possible ways of change. The published reports, food for thought and ideas are intended to convey courage and hope for change in a time of transformation.       
Whatif stands for the hope and belief that with courage, heart and social responsibility, a future worth living can be created for many generations. It is an attempt in the knowledge that we cannot save the world, but that we are trying anew every day. Let's tackle it!   

It is our task to bring about a fundamental change in society within one generation. We still have the choice to face up to this task. Doing nothing or appeasing is therefore not an option. Neither is continuing in the same vein and sticking to the status quo. The sooner we empower ourselves to change our behavior, the sooner we can influence the consequences of a humanitarian catastrophe.